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Veronica D Onofrio
At the age of eighteen Veronica enrolled at D.A.M.S. from Bologna. In the University, she studies art history and obtains a degree with a thesis in semiotic arts. After graduating, she moved to Venice where she did an internship at the Guggenheim Collection and was able to "breathe" a part of the best European and American art of the 20th century. At the Guggenheim she had the great opportunity to conduct guided tours of the collection and was fascinated by the ability and directness of children to understand contemporary art and more generally to "live" the stories told to them; she decided to dedicate five illustrated stories to the children, in the "Flying Man" collection (Edigio Publishing House, Pavia, published June 2016). In 2017 the second illustrated book "Pelle di Stracci", Apollo Edizioni, was published with which Veronica begins a tour of her books presentations in which she has the opportunity to make herself known as a writer and illutrator especially in the province of Reggio and Parma. Always for Apollo Edizioni she publishes “Il venditore di colori” in 2018.
From 2005 to 2019 she participated, as an artist, in several collective and personal exhibitions, both in Italy and abroad. In recent years Her attention has been focused on the world of illustration. She prefers to work with pencil. Her drawings and artworks are well-defined. She continues to experiment with various pictorial techniques. In Parma she attended the school of humanistic naturopathy and shen trainig "Ego center" and she obtained the master's degree under the guidance of the Taoist teacher and course director Pino Ferroni who contributed, with his teachings, to direct the search for 'artist on the essentiality of the story, on the many possibilities of the heart to evolve, both through the renewed artistic instrument. D' Onofrio Veronica teaches art and image in the province of Reggio Emila and carries out monographic workshops of creative illustration in some schools and associations. she is also a socio-cultural animator and this allows her to use artistic techniques to activate processes for developing the psycho-physical and relational balance of people and user groups and stimulating expressive-manual and ludic-cultural potential. Currently the artist is dedicated to both illustration, writing and artistic experimentation.
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