Half of Me

Artist : Almudena Angoso (View Artist Profile)
Price :  USD 2,866.00
Discount :  0%
Size : 73 cms x 81 cms
Type : Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
Certificate of Authenticity :  Yes
Shipping : UAE Free Shipping with-in 5 days, Ready to hang.
Outside UAE with-in 12 days, Rolled and Shipped.
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Description :  Almudena - My portraits are an invitation to the unique perception of each one, but if I intend something with them is to suggest something more than an inert face. We all have a half that would live some things and another half that would live different things, but we only have one life to live them. From the choice of one depends the path that is drawn with time. Half of me is the representation of the other half that we left for the world of dreams.
Item Code :  ALM103